À la claire fontaine
Je voudrais que la rose fût encore au rosier
A stroll to a favorite bathing spot turns into a lament for lost love and a meditation on what-might-have-been. With a haunting melody.
Ah! si mon moine voulait danser
Danse, mon moine, danse!
A “spinning” song of a different kind (i.e., it has nothing to do with spinning thread). A good song for increasing your monastic vocabulary.
O, Canada
Ton histoire est une épopée des plus brillants exploits
Canada’s national anthem in its original form. A good deal less bloody than la Marseillaise, and much easier to sing than O Say, Can You See.
Partons, la mer est belle
Il ne s'attendait pas À y trouver la mort
A sad sea song with a soothing melody. Began as French but now is widely known in French-speaking Canada as well.
Un Canadien errant
Un Canadien errant, Banni de ses foyers
A French song that is nonetheless dear to the heart of all Canadians, particularly if they are expatriates. If it does not bring a tear to your eye, you have a hard heart.