Depending on your purpose or the level of your French, texts have been grouped into the following categories.
Reading French: 1st Level
Not for absolute beginners: to be able to read these selections you should have gone through at least the first ten chapters of the French for Reading Knowledge course (or be at the equivalent level).
Reading French: 2nd Level
Somewhat more difficult texts, with less elaborate glossing. You should have gone through most of the French for Reading Knowledge course before starting on these.
Reading French: 3rd Level
Practice texts for perfecting your ability to read difficult French with a fair amount of ease.
French Fully Translated
French texts of great interest made accessible to those with little or no knowledge of French by a complete translation into English.
Files devoted in part or in full to the illumination of a literary text.
Old French
Files containing or referring to French texts written prior to AD1300.
The Classical Project
Modern English texts from a variety of sources transmogrified and made to appear in the form of classical French verse.
All Authors
Listed here are the authors for whom a text has been prepared (for your practice in reading, or as a launching pad for interpretation).