The first poem in Le Spleen de Paris (1869), Baudelaire's collection of poems in prose, and the easiest poem he ever wrote. A series of questions and answers that, according to a likely interpretation, examine the nature of the poet.
Poem 33 in Baudelaire’s collection of prose poems le Spleen de Paris. Short and simple, this text embodies the poet’s rage to escape from this world by any means.
Anywhere Out of the World (N’importe où hors de ce monde)
Prose poem #48, in which Baudelaire presents himself searching throughout the world for a place where his soul and he can be at peace. (It turns out there is no such place.)
La forme d’une ville / Change plus vite, hélas! que le cœur d’un mortel!
Baudelaire, “Le Cygne”The form of a town, alas, / Changes more quickly than a mortal’s heart!
Je pense aux matelots oubliés dans une île, / Aux captifs, aux vaincus!…à bien d’autres encor!
Baudelaire, “Le Cygne”I think of the sailors left behind on an island, / Of the captives, the conquered…of many others yet!