These words are spoken by the Misfit at the very end of the short story, after he and his accomplices have done with an entire family of travelers.
I couldn’t come up with an equivalent in French for the regional “It’s no…” substituting for “There’s no…” Can anybody else propose one? (Of course you can use il est in place of il y a, but that substitution is MORE elegant, and here we need something LESS elegant, than the usual formulation.)
These words are spoken by the Misfit at the very end of the short story, after he and his accomplices have done with an entire family of travelers.
I couldn’t come up with an equivalent in French for the regional “It’s no…” substituting for “There’s no…” Can anybody else propose one? (Of course you can use il est in place of il y a, but that substitution is MORE elegant, and here we need something LESS elegant, than the usual formulation.)