(A young woman wants to sell the hero an issue of the Cahiers du cinéma.)
Fille. Monsieur…, pardon!… vous n’avez rien contre la jeunesse?
Michel. Si! Moi, j’aime bien les vieux!Jean-Luc Godard, À bout de souffle (1960)Girl. Excuse me, Sir. You don’t have anything against young people, do you?
Michel. Oh yes, I do! Me, I like old people!
Mad Beppo says
Many of the writers for the Cahiers du Cinéma around 1960 were indeed young(ish), as were also, undoubtedly, many of their readers; hence the young woman’s gambit.
Michel Poiccard, anti-hero of the film, expresses his unusual view with characteristic firmness.