The Relative Adverb Dont
And How to Put It into English
The workings of the relative adverb dont.
Definite Demonstrative Pronoun
Celui, Celle, Ceux, Celles
The contexts and uses of the definite demonstrative pronoun in French (celui, celle, ceux, celles); what the DDP must be followed by.
Relative Pronouns
Who, Which, That, and Beyond
All the relative pronouns forms in French (qui, que, lequel, dont, où, ce qui, ce que, ce dont…) are presented, illustrated, queried, and explained.
The Whats of French
Which "What" To Use When
The English word (really, words) “What” and the French words corresponding to it: pronouns que, qu’est-ce qui, qu’est-ce que, and quoi; the interrogative adjective quel(e)(s); the indefinite relative pronoun ce qui, ce que.
The Adverbial Pronoun En: Its Odder Uses
En Absent Any Antecedent
Some unusual uses of the pronominal adverb (or adverbial pronoun) en: when en is used to replace the possessive adjective son/sa/ses, and in certain idiomatic expressions in which en does not have a specific antecedent.