See the videoclip of this moving speech, in which the embittered Dr Vornoff reveals how he has been ostracized by the scientific community.
The whole scene between Dr Vornoff and his visitor is worth watching. Go here, for instance, and start at about the 39th minute. You will get to hear Dr Vornoff say, among other things: “Now, here, in this forsaken jungle hell, I have proven that I am all right!” Or, with BL’s emphases, “Now, here, in this forSAKen JUNGle HELL, I have proven that I am ALL RIGHT!”
(Tranlsation of the last: Maintenant, ici, dans cet enfer tropical abandonné, j’ai montré que je suis…PAS NUL!)
See the videoclip of this moving speech, in which the embittered Dr Vornoff reveals how he has been ostracized by the scientific community.
The whole scene between Dr Vornoff and his visitor is worth watching. Go here, for instance, and start at about the 39th minute. You will get to hear Dr Vornoff say, among other things: “Now, here, in this forsaken jungle hell, I have proven that I am all right!” Or, with BL’s emphases, “Now, here, in this forSAKen JUNGle HELL, I have proven that I am ALL RIGHT!”
(Tranlsation of the last: Maintenant, ici, dans cet enfer tropical abandonné, j’ai montré que je suis…PAS NUL!)
It was a poignant moment, well put across by the great Lugosi! Merci pour la traduction.
This is my introduction to this great actor, and thus the first time I’ve seen this–very compelling stuff…