The last two lines of this wonderful (IMO) poem. The translation could be read as two tetrameters with mostly anapestic rhythm.
Since English, in speaking of an entire group, is not obliged to use the definite article (in contradistinction to French; see here), one might translate these lines thus: “I think of sailors, left behind on an island, / Of captives, of conquered folk,…of many others yet!”
Mad Beppo says
The last two lines of this wonderful (IMO) poem. The translation could be read as two tetrameters with mostly anapestic rhythm.
Since English, in speaking of an entire group, is not obliged to use the definite article (in contradistinction to French; see here), one might translate these lines thus: “I think of sailors, left behind on an island, / Of captives, of conquered folk,…of many others yet!”